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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 10, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PST

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breaking news in san jose where homes in one neighborhood are evacuated as a s.w.a.t. team coaxes a suspect out of a crawl space. good monday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm scott mcgrew. that s.w.a.t. situation happening on bernice avenue near story road on the east side. they are just wrapping it up. bob redell is live at the scene. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning to you. the people in the 8 to 10 homes who were evacuated here should be able to return home soon. the standoff having ended in the past 30 minutes. it was a wanted felon taken into custody. he surrendered peacefully around 5:30 this morning. this started around 6:30 last night, police here in san jose received an anonymous 911 call telling them that this man wanted on an outstanding felony arrest warrant was in the home. when police arrived he refused
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to come out. they had to call in merge which is san jose's version of s.w.a.t. team. they surrounded the home, they spoke with the man throughout the night. other people in the home came out unharmed so it became a situation where this man was in the home by himself. at one point during communication with police he was telling police he was, quote, stuck. police weren't sure what that meant until they made entry into the home a couple hours ago. when they made entry in the home they did discover that he was in fact in the crawl space. >> they did find him in the crawl space. whether he was stuck or not we don't know. but they convinced him to come out and as about five minutes ago he was taken into custody. >> reporter: being around 5:30 this morning. one reason police were so cautious is he is a convicted flelen they say has a history of violence and known to carry weapons in the past. not clear if he was armed when
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he was taken into custody. reporting live, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you, bob. >> we're certainly watching the weather as well as we give you a live look at san francisco and san jose. right no the rain has moved out of the bay area making for clear skies. we're not free and clear yet when it comes to the commute. today's story now expected to be the fog. blanketing roads and bridges throughout the bay area. this is a live look at the san mateo bridge where you see the haze. >> today's forecast more mild than what we saw over the weekend. rain brought out sandbags, even emergency road crews to several cities, particularly in the north bay. that's clearing out as well but there is a trail of damage behind us. >> a look at mill valley, one of the cities hardest hit by the rainfall. christie smith out there this morning talking to people whose homes and businesses were flooded. she's going to have a live report. look at that rushing water. let's check the forecast with
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meteorologist christina loren. what is on the way? >> finally getting a nice break up there, especially in the north bay where we need it. we have shower activity in the east foothills, also a little activity in the higher elevations, the coastal mountains so keep that in mind. we still have areas of ponding and puddling out there so you don't want to mess around. make sure you give yourself extra time. let me show you what one of the roadways up in sonoma county looked like earlier this weekend. this is from michael donovan, we appreciate your pictures because you're our weather watchers. a lot of times we can't get to the north bay as fast so we love seeing these. we're all over the north bay this weekend. this is near the sonoma county airport to show you even some of your main lines were flooded out. this is a very impressive picture from robert carson and this is the very tippy top of a bike path that goes over the tanglewood creek. you can see what a mark has been left by that potent system that
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was tapping into the atmospheric river. a little break but mill valley where christie smith is we're going to her live 18 bit but we made up the entire month's average rainfall over 72 hours in mill valley. we're good for more rain through the week in the north bay. you want to keep that in mind. we got much-needed rain and there is more on the way. today, though, all you need know you can probably leave the umbrella home especially south of the golden gate bridge. temperatures in the 60s, then a little warm-up on the way. talking about the next chance for rain in my next report. right now, though, let's check your drive. here is mike inouye. >> i'm so glad you said leave the umbrella home. i have the big umbrella in my car. i forgot to leave it for the kids. east shore freeway, i was making out flashing lights approaching university. that's the only thing and that cleared up in the last few minutes. reports of a crash on the shoulder as you approach ashby.
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i didn't see anything in the lanes. a lot of cars there. the map shows the area as well. the arrow through the stretch approaching university there is a slowdown past the golden gate fields because of the volume of traffic. the bay bridge metering lights are on. coming back past west grand avenue now. west 24 the fender-bender moved from the road, all lanes clear westbound. eastbound a little slowing but that's traditional as that wraps up off highway 13. and heading to the orinda side. speeds for the tri-valley. we have 580 westbound showing a slowdown through livermore and then building up to the dublin interchange. here's the south bay with the northbound routes, 87 and 101, the first to show slowing. we'll zoom in, you see that as you pass by the interchanges. a live look shows you 101, here's the volume coming northbound. the first, now the second one coming in in 20 minutes.
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here is the palo alto area. a smooth drive on 101. back to you. >> mike, thank you. 6:05. still ahead continuing coverage of traffic, well, we've got pictures of north star as well. we'll look at that. the snow levels. fantastic. >> cool video. i love to see the time lapse. you can sign up for weather alerts. click on the weather tab on our home page. >> now to the 2014 winter olympics, a live look at sochi, russia, two days of competition team usa has two gold medals under its belt. >> because of an american sweep in the snowboarding slopestyle. age kotsenburg had his moment was followed by jamie anderson based out of tahoe. >> janelle wang is live in sochi. you spoke to jamie. >> reporter: she is so modest about it. she's a great all around gal and obviously very talented.
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she made olympic history last night by becoming the first woman ever to win an olympic medal for snow board slopestyle. it's making its olympic debut at the sochi games. it's popular in the x games for years. she has been a champion in the x games, now an olympic champion. i caught up with the 23-year-old a few hours ago. >> you know your life's going to change now, right? >> i'm still the same me but yeah, there are so many amazing opportunities and so much good. i'm so fortunate. >> when are you going home and what are you looking forward to? >> goodness. i can't wait to go home and go for a walk, look for the bald eagle, hang out in the sun, and go snow board at my home mountain at tahoe. >> let's show off the gold medal. there it is, jamie anderson, slopestyle snowboard. thanks so much. >> reporter: anderson tweeted this photo after her run.
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her family, six of her seven siblings and grandma. she called it such an emotional moment. jamie will be heading back on the 12th of february, she's excited to get home sbobut is s modest. she has -- there are like eight siblings total. she is five. she started snowboarding after her older sister started giving her hand-me-downs. janelle wang, back to you. >> so you got to touch a gold medal. what about the weight of it? is it pretty heavy? >> reporter: it's supposed to be one of the biggest and heaviest gold medals ever in the history of the winter games. i got to see it. sage kotsenburg i talked to him yesterday so i touched two gold medals now. an olympic record for me. >> and mary mony more to come.
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>> we'll all be connected. >> thank you. >> janelle will be back at 6:30 for a look at the team figure skating. in depth coverage of team usa's major comeback to land on the podium. >> new details about the 15-year-old russian phenom who is a star in the figure skating competition all coming up with janelle at 6:30. >> fun to watch over a rainy weekend. still ahead, a bay area company recalls nearly 9 million pounds of meat. what you should look for in your freezer. >> a top nfl prospect comes out as gay ahead of the draft. new details about michael sam's decision. >> we're not forgetting about all of the rain to hit the northern bay area. a live look outside overlooking san jose. we're getting a break in the storm. when's the next one and does it make a difference in our drought? that and more. 6:09. legs up! legs up?
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legs up! legs up! legs up! verizon has free tablets and free phones. get here anyway you can. good job! free tablets. free phones. on the best network. only at verizon. get tablets like the verizon ellipsis 7 free. and when you trade in your old smartphone, you can get the samsung galaxy s4 free. or the droid maxx by motorola free. plus get a data plan with unlimited talk and text for as low as $45. this week only. getting free tablets and phones on the best network. that's powerful. verizon.
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>> welcome back now. taking a live look at the bay bridge in san francisco. where we accumulated some pretty decent rainfall totals. i'll tell you how much and when that all important rain returns to your forecast. that's coming up in moments. >> but that rain past has a present effect on roads in the bay area. also trees down. i'll let you know what to avoid coming up. >> here is a look at today's top stories. several families allowed back into their homes in san jose following an 11-hour stand-off between s.w.a.t. officers and a wanted felon. authorities say the suspect barricaded himself in a home about 6:30 last night. officers convinced the suspect to turn himself in a few moments ago, luckily no one was hurt. >> nearly 9 million pounds of
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beef have been recalled. federal inspectors say the meat came from diseased and unsound animals not properly inspected at the rancho feeding corporation. nobody has gotten sick so far from that beef. >> michael sam has become the first active college player to come out as gay. sam who played for the missouri tigers is eligible for the nfl draft in may and if he is drafted would be the first openly gay player in the history of the nfl. >> right now let's get a check of the forecast. a live look at san raufl. much of the north bay trying to dry out after getting pounded over the weekend. heavy rain has forced businesses to board up, others to haul out sandbags. today the storm is clearing out, leaving a trail of aftermath behind it. we'll have team coverage. >> mike inouye checking traffic, christie smith is in a flooded area of mill valley this morning. let's start out with christina
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loren with a look at our morning forecast. >> good morning to you. yeah, you know, we picked up so much rainfall o'ver the weekend but we needed so it badly that i don't think a lot of people are that upset even though we did see the damaging flooding that we did accumulate. i can tell you right now we're looking better off as we head throughout the next 72 hours. even with all of that flooding we are still talking about some much-needed totals and some cities actually jumping back up to 40% of average even where we were running a huge deficit. one of those is napa. mill valley another big winner. we accumulated just shy of a foot of rain. most of which came through over the course of 72 hours which brings us out live to christie smith in mill valley. even though the businesses out there had to shut down for a short period, i think a lot of the businesses are still happy because they need the tourism dollars coming in to napa valley from the grapes so one of those
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good news, bad news scenarios. >> reporter: yeah, i think we can agree we needed the rain. for now the rain has stopped but it left its mark in mill valley. i wanted to show you what a trib you tear tee the corte madera creek is looking like. still very swollen even though it hasn't rained for hours after a flood advisory this weekend. that had businesses, we come over here, near the creek and on miller, if you go up and down the street they are very much like the marin theater company, that is that they all have sandbags in their doorways to try to stop the water from creeping in. mill valley, san rafael, a lot of cities in marin county and the rain fell faster than it could brain. certainly a welcome sight because all of the talk had been about the drought conditions. for some businesses all the water did cause flooding. the 2 a.m. club and joe's tacos
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had water inside over the weekend. one of the business owners says the storm drains cause problems and overflow with water from the creek. we did shoot some new video this morning. you can hear the fans coming inside of those stores this morning but during the height of this, they are saying they had to shut it down. >> all of our four sink, the toilets t drains in the men's and women's bathroom were taking water on so we had flooding in the back of the bar. >> reporter: on ferndale and mill valley mud slid down a hill damaging a backyard head. also on sunday a jeep plunged about 60 feet off after hillside. search and rescue found a man dead. it's unclear if it was weather
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related. this is the story out here this morning. the water has receded but the sandbags are out. you still see those pondings so you want to be careful as you head out. >> thank you, christie. you know you'll notice from her being out there live the rain is certainly subsiding. but look at this. in napa we have such great news. for the grape growers up there, over the past 72 hours we've accumulated almost 11.5 inches of rain. that is higher than the january and february total average for the month of february and january combined. we typically get 10.48. but yeah, we surpassed that and we're looking good for more rain on the way. everybody in the south bay is asking me why didn't we get those totals down here? i can tell you what happened. we get rain shadow effect.
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as the moisture works up the mountains it condenses, you get the heavy rainfall on top. but on the other side of the mountain really dry air. as a result we didn't get much here. we accumulated an inch and warter. that's typically the case if you live in the south bay. the good news is we get most of our water supply from tahoe and that snowpack came up over the weekend when we accumulated over 6 1/2 feet. that's the good news when it comes to the california drought. our snowpack totals. 53 in san francisco. east bay 54. happy to report the 60s are back, i think a lot of people are looking forward to a warm-up. you notice on the seven-day forecast we're going to keep that coming all the way across the board. 63 degrees in the east bay, 61 along the peninsula and so let's talk about our next weathermaker. this will also have a subtropical moisture tap. what we expect is we stop the
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clock, showers starting to push in on thursday. we have our next best chance for rain. i think this as far south as san francisco. then into the weekend we get an even better chance. i'm going to talk about that coming up mike inouye, really good news for people concerned about that drought. >> yeah, we got a good helping of rain as you pointed out. good for your storage as well. we have damp roads around the roadway. watch for slick conditions. not as much of a concern. the low clouds and some fog are drifting around. looking to the peninsula as we expect no delays but watch those slick off ramps. the south bay your northbound routes 101 and 87 starting to show the build northbound as its tip call. a couple of other things, trees down reported early morning. east of saratoga. one tree down here, follow the
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skyline or 35 up the peninsula, near alice's restaurant, that's a tree reported down. across phone wires there is traffic control and asked for chp pep as more start hitting the roadway. this is off most of our main commutes. so far we've hat today to a minimum. across the dumbarton bridge. the bay shore and interstate 280 moving smoothly on that side of the bay. typical 680 showing speeds dropping into the upper 50s south of vernal. those areas combining to provide slowing. east shore drives 80 westbound out of the highway 4 area, hercules, into the 50 area. we should see a yellow zone. for oakland a live look fast coliseum. you pass high street, making
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that curve to where the metering lights are on. toward hayward approaching nothing unexpected for that. here the bay bridge, we can make a clear view. those low clouds, i drifted across that bridge and made it an issue but nothing of major concern. watch those clouds as they drift around. there might be an issue around the golden gate bridge. we're tracking it. back to you. >> thank you much. 6:21. has the bridge sprung a sfleek how the weekend rainfall may have overwhelm ed some sections of the span. ♪
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at 6:24 let's check your forecast now. we take a live look outside at the bay bridge. the weather certainly impacting your morning commute. >> that's right. we take a live look at the eastern span, concerns about water leaks and all of the rain water we've seen. let's go to peggy bunker live on the bay bridge. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the eastern span it was the largest public works project in california history, cost $6.4 billion. it's beautiful but here's the problem. it's leaking. a stunning bridge, we took a
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drive across it. the fog was rolling across that famous span. it was beautiful but right now with all of the issues since opening in september it's really making matters worse now that we find out that it's actually leaking. water was found in an area that is supposed to be water tight after the rainstorms. and the leaks could be from some bolts put into some of the steal guardrails, others say it could be a caulking issue that is not water tight. caltrans says they are confident that the problem is manageable and engineers are inspecting where the water could be coming from. this is suppose to be a 150-year-old bridge. that's how long it's supposed to last but the leaks could lead to corrosion and significantly shorten that life span. they think the problem is manageable. they are expecting exactly where the source of the water is coming from. they say this is part of the shake-up period, a five-year
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period in which they finagle an issues with a project of this size. this is totally manageable while independent engineers say that may be true but still this is quite a blunder. peggy bunker for "today in the bay." >> thank you much. >> people who run ski resorts rejoicing there are reports of up to eight feet of new snow. this is pretty cool video from north star. the snow came down so fast, so hard it caused the unofficial snow stake to tip over. lake tahoe has risen more than four inches but it's not enough to get back to normal. we need five more storms like this in the next few weeks to get back to an average. of course you can sign up to get weather alerts in your neighborhood, visit our website,
6:27 am >> an update to breaking news in san jose. a neighborhood evacuated and a s.w.a.t. team moves in. >> and the u.s. adds to its medal tally. at least one not impressed. we'll tell you why her expression is the most rewatched. >> we have a look at downtown san jose. it's misty, foggy, it's slick. we'll be back in a minute. ♪
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>> breaking news in san jose a. suspect coaxed out after crawl space after the s.w.a.t. teams move in on a neighborhood. >> plus, the entire women's figure scath team may be leaving sochi this morning. why they could decide to take off in a live report. >> and as we start out our work week we're taking a live look from new york city awaiting the opening bell. see how the markets are going to fare for this monday morning. >> it was rough last week. >> we need a turnaround really.
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>> monday's markets last week, by friday we rallied. here is the bell on the nyse. on the nasdaq we are looking at mr. peabody. >> mr. peabody and sherman. maybe that will lighten the mood. this is "today in the bay." >> good morning. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. a quick update. people returning to their homes after an 11-hour police standoff on the city's east side. eight to ten homes were evacuated as a felon hid in the crawl space of a home. the man was taken into custody an hour ago. bob is live at the scene. he'll join us for a live report coming up in 15 minutes. now back to the 2014 winter
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olympics. a live look at the olympic flame in sochi, russia where it is exactly 6:30 at night. as of last night the united states has two gold medals and two bronze medals. >> one of those bronze medals courtesy of team usa figure skating who made a triumphant couple back to earn a place on the podium. janelle wang is live in sochi. a bronze still a major achievement for the american team. >> reporter: yes, kind of a come behind. mathematically they could not do better than third place and had to skate nearly perfectly to secure a bronze and did that. leading the way gracie gold. she skated in the free program. meryl davis and charlie white also skated incredibly. the team event which is new had prepared them for their individual events which begins with pairs on wednesday. >> having a solid two skates at nationals, being able to do the
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free skate tonight i feel really good going into the individual and you know, our whole team was phenomenal. and i'm really glad we got to do this. and i feel really good. >> reporter: the biggest competition for gracie gold, ashley wagner and san jose's polina edmunds will be the russian phenom, yulia lipnitskaya. she helped russia win a gold medal in the team event and she earned top marks for her freeskate and short program this past weekend. the ladies have a lot of time before they skate in their medal event, next wednesday t 19th. we have heard reports they have left russia, they have left sochi to train more. we're not sure where but before the olympic games there was a report they had a training facility in austria they could use to get more time on the ice. janelle wang, nbc bay area news. >> that's new news action they left russia. >> thank you, janelle. one olympian now responsible for
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the most rewatched moment of the olympic game so far. >> this is ashley wagner's expression after getting her scores during the team figure skating competition. her expression says plenty and clearly she might have thought her score was a bit low. but it's some language she appeared to say after that had people rewinding that part of the broadcast more than any other. >> twitter was also reacting to, yes, alex wagner comparing her to mckayla maroney's not impressed face of the london games. ashley wagner's expression already hash tagged nod not impressed. hash tag ashley wagner face. >> you got to watch out. for complete coverage around the clock you can also visit our website and the upper left corner you see an olympic tab which will get you into our special olympic
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section. let's check in with christina. not as bad as it's been the last couple days. >> no. you know what, it was great we had the olympics on all weekend so people could enjoy. we had some great world class television. you probably were stuck inside. especially areas to the north of the golden gate bridge. we accumulated massive totals upwards of a foot of rainfall. we'll talk about that coming up. thanks for joining us this morning. and every weekday morning. part of our family and temperatures are chilly throughout to start. we've got a nice day shaping up. a return of the 60s now after a week's worth of 50s as highs, getting a taste of 63 in the east bay, 62 in the south bay, san francisco at 60. today's one of the cooler days, your seven-day forecast tells the story. a little warming trend headed our way as we head into the end of the week. let's talk about that rain when our next weathermaker arrives. right now you can see we have a little spotty shower activity. mostly along the western facing
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hills. you can see that. we're getting a little activity from time to time along the santa cruz mountains and the coastal mountains of the peninsula a. good looking day today. drying out period. this is a live look from san rafael. you can see the sun coming up and you had to deal with those rainy conditions up in the north bay so the sunshine is a welcome sight to greet you this morning. as we head throughout tomorrow, sunny and mild, clean air, it's going to be a beautiful day because of the rain and we watch for our next weathermaker wednesday into thursday. we're focusing for areas to the north of the golden gate bridge. san francisco is going to get some rainfall wednesday into thursday. i'll time out the next weathermaker in my next report. we'll talk about some of the whopping totals that we accumulated up in tahoe. if you head up there you want to make sure you have your chains with you. we're not expecting snowfall. here is mike inouye. >> if you head to the sierra
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before things warm up, bring those chains. bring them anyway. looking toward 880, oakland, the southbound side with these headlights we have a let of flashing lights near the top half of the screen. a crew of some sort is there. looks like a caltrans career. it does look like traffic is flowing but we call anything that might be a distraction. look at the maps, the same area i marked, the northbound side is slowing the slowdown north of high street because of that volume. you make that bend into downtown. here just west of 24 we see slowing on westbound 580. an incident reported on 24 at the market street off ramp with what i thought was going to cause the slowdown. the slowing i see is here off 580 but so far we're looking at confirmmation of what might be blocking the lane. the metering lights are on backing into the maze, and we're
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looking at a slower drive west 80 to east shore freeway down through the area. a live look will show you how traffic is backing up. across the bay bridge, because of the low clouds, across, keep that in mind. one look over toward palo alto. you got a lot more company than you did, still smooth through. >> 6:37 a. carjacking near a country club. we'll tell you about the crime spree that prompted san jose police to shoot a suspect on the run.
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>> at 6:40, police say a 21-year-old woman as drunk when she drove her camaro the wrong way on a freeway and caused two crashes killing six people. the woman was driving eastbound on the westbound lanes of the pomona freeway when she hit two vehicles a. family of four was killed on impact. two others from another vehicle died on the way to the hospital. one person from the second vehicle survived that crash. the driver also survived. she now faces dui and vehicular manslaughter charges. >> a driver in san jose accused of drinking before getting behind the wheel and causing a deadly crash as well. police say the driver crashed into a tree on snell avenue near 85 yesterday. a passenger in the car was killed, another injured. the driver taken into custody.
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booked for driving while intoxicated and manslaughter. >> investigators say the man shot by police in san jose should survive. police say a carjacking suspect stuck a shot gun in a person's face yesterday morning. and stole the victim's car. it happened down the street from the san jose country club. officers found the suspect in the stolen car a few blocks away and stopped him. investigators say while officers were attempting to take the suspect into custody one feared their their safety and shot the suspect. the injuries are not life threatening. >> coming up an update to breaking news in san jose. a s.w.a.t. team moved in where we're live with new details. >> team usa going for the gold. which northern california olympian is competing now to secure her spot on the podium. in the south bay we secured about an inch and a half of rain in san jose. closer to five inches in los gatos and over a foot in some
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cities. we'll show you the aftermath and pictures when "today in the bay" comes right back. legs up! legs up? legs up! legs up! legs up! verizon has free tablets and free phones. get here anyway you can. good job! free tablets. free phones. on the best network. only at verizon.
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we have an update for breaking news san jose people returning home after a s.w.a.t. team finally coaxes a suspect out after crawl space. >> bob has been live on the scene. the standoff lasted more than 11 hours. >> reporter: good morning to you. yes, the people who live here on bernice avenue can finally get their lives back in order. the people who live in the eight to ten homes have been allowed to return home after this 11-hour standoff. it ended with the man, a wanted
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felon barricaded surrender to police. it started around 6:30 last night. police receiving a 911 call. alerting them to the fact this man who was wanted on an outstanding felony arrest warrant was in the home. when police arrived he refused to come out so they called in san jose's version of s.w.a.t. they spoke with the man. he refused to come out. other people in the home did come out unharmed. it came down to a situation where the man was inside by himself speaking with police throughout night. eventually saying something to the effect he was stuck. wasn't clear what he meant. police did make entry and when they made entry they realized that he was inside the crawl space under the home. >> they did find him in the crawl space, whether he was actually stuck or not we don't know. but they convinced him to come out. >> reporter: he did as i mention
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surrendering peacefully. no one was hurt. one reason why police were so concerned and taking so many precautions, he was wanted on an outstanding felony arrest warrant, a convicted felon with a history of violence and known to carry weapons in the past. not clear if he was armed during the arrest. >> thank you. we're watching the weather action we're going to give you a live look at san francisco and san jose. right now you can see the rain has moved out of the bay area. >> there is so much fog out there blankets on roads and bridges throughout the bay area. there is a live look from the san mateo bridge. >> today's forecast more mild than what we saw over the weekend when rain brought out the sandbags, even emergency road crews. this morning we have team coverage. let's start with christina loren who joins us in the weather center with a look at the
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morning forecast. >> good morning to you, scott and laura. good morning to you at home. happy to report some good news as you know we're deep in the heart of a drought here in northern california and take a look at some of these totals. let me say i've converted these totals into feet for you so look at that. mt. tam almost two feet of rainfall over the past 72 hours. we're not expecting a gully washer until potentially sunday. we're going to get drying out starting today until at least wednesday. as we progress throughout the next 48 hours we're going to continue to see our flooded area starting to recede. from tangle wood creek also a picture of flooding near the sonoma county airport, major totals, our first significant break from the rainfall. we want to zoom you into mill valley, christie smith is live. you're out there with areas that
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flooded. right in shopping centers and everything else in the north bay. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. yeah, the rain did cause some problems in mill valley and marin county but not too many complaining complaining that the talk before this was all about trout conditions. this is what the rain left behind hours after the rain stopped. this is a tributary, a flood advisory was issued over the weekend, all of this rain fell very fast, so fast it couldn't drain fast enough. this morning we checked out two businesses, the 2 a.m. club and joe's tacos next door where the water has receded but yesterday it extended inside and over flowed in the street out front. the owners say on sunday a storm drain bubbled up with water. it flooded the two businesses.
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>> all of our four sinks, the toilets, the drains in the men's and women's bathroom were taking water on so we had flooding in the back of the bar. >> reporter: at north bern dale mud slid down about 50 feet and damaged a back yard shed. also on sunday a man was found dead after a jeep plunged 60 feet near greenwood way. it's unclear if that was directly related to the weather. we're back live in mill valley. if you take a ride near miller, dits not every business looks like that. making sure the water didn't creep in. i think they will finish cleaning up, again the rain has stopped but still very wet and muddy. that's the latest from here. reporting live in mill valley, back to you. >> thank you, christie. and you can see it is still wet
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out there. we still have a little bit of rainfall. that will at tahoe. look at your snow totals. with more on the way like i said as we head throughout the day. of course this again is in feet for you. almost 7 feet of fresh powder at kirkwood. over six feet sierra at tahoe. squaw just under six feet. and we'll continue to update these throughout day. this is what the skiers and the snow boorers is looking forward to. temperatures are in the 50s, headed to the 60s. we've got a good looking day shaping up. the clearing out and drying out period today will continue into tomorrow. tomorrow we're even going to get more sunshine, clean air quality, and then as we get into next weekend our next weathermaker arrives. this could leave a mark.
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stop that clock for you. showers to our north. here is the deal. that tap comes down about 100 miles to the south. we get soaked again. we'll be watching for this, then another chance into sunday. things are changing in the weather department. we're going to take you through though every four to five hours. let's check your drive. >> we're looking toward the east shore freeway. these flood watching lights like like they were affecting frontage road. the flashing lights also visible where we can see them. the commute sounds unaffected by low clouds but we'll keep it in mind. here is university avenue. smooth flow all the way to the bridge. there is that disabled vehicle off the freeway. and a footh drive to the metering lights which are on. we had a big backups that there
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was a vehicle reported. it sounds like chp has this taken care of but it was a large truck out of lanes affecting an on ramp. we're looking here toward the tri-valley and smooth drive, earlier stall, has moved to the oulder. a south 680 l is congestion for 84 down to pleasanton. sunol to fremont, no problems for 680, it's north 680. north 101, the first burst, it's showing up as your typical northbound routes now. 87 into downtown. the latest to show speeds down in the 40s, your free down and another in wood side by alis's restaurant. southbound getting company. back to you. >> that's a lot. >>s you know there are new words
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about the eastern pan of the bay bridge. >> rain may be leaking. peggy joins us with new details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. as you have been hearing a lot of places got water that maybe weren't supposed to. the bay bridge on that list, the word now that it's leaking rain water under the road check. it really is spectacular. this was the large ets construction project, $6.4 billion and for that amount you would expect we wouldn't hear problems we're having with the steel rods, the bolts, now this we -- it's supposed to be water tight area they found the leaking and the pooling of the water.
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engineers say the leaks could cause the bridge to corrode and significantly shorten its much talked about lifespan of about 150 years. right now the search is on for where the water is coming from, some speculating it's the caulking it might not be water tight. that could allow water to dribble in. the leaks were not unexpected. they are confident that it's manageable. they are looking into where the water is coming from. i got to tell you, my photographer and i, we drove across the eastern span, 5:00 just before we got to this location. the fog, we didn't see water on the roadway. ing it's under the deck. it sure was beautiful. on treasure island, peggy bunker, "today in the bay." now back to the 2014 winter olympics. we're going to give you a live
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look at the olympic flame in sochi, russia this morning it's even there, competition already under way as team usa tries to add to the medal count. >> take a look as of last night the u.s. is third behind norway and the netherlands. team usa has two bolds and two bronze medals. the athlete trying to add to that total. >> northern california skier -- i'm not doing well -- julian mancuso a shot for the gold. >> she's the favorite and well loved. it's probably snowing up there. it was nearly 60 degrees here at the sochi games, now we have felt raindrops coming in, i see storm clouds over the mountain cluster which is where the women's super com pine bined is taking place. julian mancuso is in it. you add up the times.
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mancuso won silver in vancouver. the 29-year-old >> i think just by winning two silvers inspired me to try to get gold. >> translator: competition has wrapped up for the day. we'll see if she medals tonight. for the men's, bode miller finished eighth. he is obviously disappointed but he did the best that he could. our local guy travis ganong he placed the highest of all of the four americans in the downhill. he came in fifth, missing the brons think .3 second. that is super quick. >> isn't that amazing to think about 3-tenths of a second. that close. >> yes. he is the first prime olympian
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i'm sure we'll see him again in the future. >> you were talking a litle about rain. >> it's raet so far. i have been here ten days. this is the first time we've felt raindrops. i can see the storm clouds, our forecast does say we're going to have rain tomorrow so we're going to have to see what happens. >> thank you for the sochi forecast. >> we love having you. several events took place and are going to air tonight. we'll show the results. >> if you don't want to spoil it, wait for the music to end.
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>> even we try to turn away a bit. it's safe to come back. >> the action continues here on nbc bay area. 3 to 5 this afternoon you see speed skating and biathlon. >> and during prime time at 8:00, women's alpine skiing t men's mogul skiing and the gold medal final in the 1500 meter short track in men's speed skating. it starts at 8:00 here on >> the time is 6:58. a final check of the top stories. several families allowed back in their homes in east san jose following an 11-hour standoff with a wanted felon. the suspect was hiding in a crawl space in a home near story and white road. >> a homeowner shot and killed
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an intruder and wounded another. it happened near cherry street. the homeowner said several people back into his home. he grabbed the condition and started shooting. >> 9 million pounds of beef have been recalled. the meat came from diseased and unsound animals not properly inspected at the rancho feeding corporation. so far nobody has gotten sick from that beef. >> let's check the forecast with christina. >> good morning to you. we've got a good looking day shaping up. finally seeing showers subside after accumulating massive totals. up in the north bay you'll see already clear out there. we meet back tomorrow morning i'm expecting really thick fog so we'll talk about that. first your drive. >> good morning. the south bay feeling a tough drive. tough for san jose. for 85 and 87. 101 bogging down and 280 around
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17. fremont, that might be an issue later on as it moves around. back to you. >> that's what's happening "today in the bay." good morning. strong start. american skier julia mancuso wins bronze moments ago in the women's super combined adding to her impressive total as the nation's most decorated female skier in olympic history. we'll hear from her. american snowboarders shred in slopestyle and bring the u.s. its first two gold medals of the games. they are both with us live. making putin proud, 15-year-old russian skater yulia lipnitskaya wows her nation's president and the world while some u.s. stars help america grab a bronze in the first ever team event.


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